About Us

Reflective Coaching.

Jessica has been in the Human Service field for almost 20years. Through her years of experience she became keenly aware that the only tangible tool available to fine tune is the professional. Professional development should focus on developing the person. Reflective Coaching is a tool meant to develop the professional and simultaneously the person. Reflective Coaching is utilized to encourage self-awareness in your work, deeply connect you to the “why” of your work and challenge your seen and unseen biases. Jessica uses her framework “The Reflective Coaching Path”, to guide you on your journey. The ultimate goal of Reflective Coaching is better outcomes for those served by human service systems. Reflective Coaching intends to reach that goal by guiding the professional to self-awareness in their work and rooting them into a deeper understanding of the honor it is to work with those receiving services. An honor, no matter the circumstances that brought you onto their path!


The story behind Ray of HOPE, LLC

Hope is…… Helping Other People Everyday

I was sitting in the second row pew and fighting back tears with all my might.  My new bracelet was helping keep me distracted.  I kept looking down at the letters on the bracelet H.O.P.E, the letters were each on their own cube and could spin around with the letter on all sides.  I was spinning the H cube around and around thinking how grateful I was that the bracelet came with a donation made to the American Cancer Society and I could not have said no to the Maurice’s clerk who was asking for the donation when I was shopping for funeral clothes to wear to the funeral of the most giving man I had ever known. Now here I was at my grandfather’s funeral.  I remember pieces of the eulogy, some of the songs and most of the stories told about how kind, giving and generous my grandfather was.  But the moment that I remember on a daily basis is when the pastor was talking about how my grandfather was a helper and always helped people.  His exact words were “Ray helped other people every day”.

I was still spinning the cubes on my bracelet at this point, when what feels like slow motion when I recall the moment, all the dots of my life connected in a single instance.  Spinning the H, Help….Spinning the O, Other…..Spinning the P, People…..Spinning the E, Every day!!  Hope is helping other people every day.

HOPE= Help Other People Every day!!!!

I would not realize the deep impact this moment would have on my life until after the funeral.  I got through the day sharing special moments with family.  Watched a video of my grandfather as a young man acting as Paul Bunyan’s son in a PSA for the Minnesota Forestry Department.  I remember how peaceful the burial service was, releasing doves with my cousins and a 21 gun salute.  It was a beautiful memorial and tribute to an amazing man who helped shape me into the person I was and was still helping after his death shape me into the person I was going to be. 

I too was a helper, loved people and loved any reason to connect with others.  I have always just known that it was my role in the world to help other people.  What I didn’t know until later is that my grandfather gave me a gift that day, he gave me a mission and a vision to go along with my God given purpose!  My Mission is to spread hope, the vision and way to get there is by Helping Other People Every day. 

Hope by Webster’s definition is a feeling of expectation and desire for a certain thing to happen.  I have always had hope that people will help those hurting and in need.  Now I connect that the way to spread hope is to give it and by that I mean by helping other people you can spark their hope, whatever hope means to them.

I challenge myself every day and I would like to ask you to challenge yourselves; to pass on this belief of HOPE, and strive to Help Other People Every day!!! 


"The greatest good you can do for another is not just share your riches but to reveal to him his own"

— B. Disraeli